Top Drugstore Mascaras
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Top Drugstore Mascaras

I have a deep infinite love for mascara. You know the question that almost every beauty editor asks, “If you were on a desert island what item would you bring?” Although I’m almost certain makeup would not be on the top of my list, if at all…I know the answer they are fishing for. If it must be beauty related, I would definitely choose mascara. Doe-eyed on a desert island… it has a nice ring to it..


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Moisturized is the New Matte

Glossier is the new-ish brand that continues to win my heart since 2014. Its not just good looks (ahem, packaging) around here either.. their products DELIVER! Their newest launch arrived at my doorstep before the big day and I feel very fortunate to have received this product. I usually end up buying almost everything from their product line anyways, but I was in the market for a new moisturizer. Particularly, I was looking for a creme to amp up my night time regime because my skin needed a savior to combat this winter chill (and heater for that matter). Lucky for me I was met with Glossier’s Priming Moisturizer RICH. (more…)

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