Finishing off the Halloween season with the one and only Aaliyah. She truly is One in a Million. When you think about it, we all are! I’m sure you’ve heard it before… “No one can be you better than YOU!” So stop comparing yourself to others. Sometimes it may feel like somebody’s life is better than yours or you don’t measure up, especially when everyone is posting their highlights on social media. Its important to stay grateful for the life you do have, and realize you don’t know everything that person is going through. As individuals we all have highs and lows, so instead of trying to be someone or something else to appease others focus on being the best you! Of course its good to look up to people in terms of being a better person, wanting that high salary or emulating a career, but just know your journey will be different to get there. Halloween is a fun break from your norm, but you can’t keep that MASK on forever. YOU are EVERYTHING so do yourself a favor and embrace your uniqueness every single second of the day xoxo
RIP Aaliyah 👼🏽
To get her look you should def. scour your local thrift stores for Tommy Hilfiger clothing and the baggy jeans. If you’re not into second hand or just can’t seem to score at your local goodwill. Here are some brand new options:

Let me know what your favorite Aaliyah song is in the comments below!!