As I had mentioned in an earlier post about first arriving in Kenya, I had my doubts… But once I let go of those negative thoughts about the insecurities of traveling alone I was able to embrace this beautiful country. Sometimes you have to be aware of how you’re feeling and assess that they have emanated from your head, and the only way to change your current circumstances is to chose to think differently and positively.
I urge any female to travel alone at least once in your life. People may try to discourage you and tell you things like its too dangerous but do not let anyone dissuade you from your dreams. If you wait for others to travel with you to ALL these places in the world you dream of, you may end up waiting forever.
The beauty in traveling alone is that:
- Your itinerary is completely up to YOU!
- You can completely own the ability of taking care of sh*t entirely without help.
- Hence, you feel like such a badass
- You get to enjoy your own company
- The experience of depending on yourself while enjoying your own company through these new experiences will definitely give you a confidence boost (which I feel young women often need).
- You grow from these experiences
Here are a few experiences that I enjoyed most. I was able to reflect and be at peace with myself and gain confidence. I felt CENTERED, which is pretty funny because we actually traveled to the equator. There were times where I had to combat my uncomfortable-ness, but these challenges allowed me to grow, as do most obstacles in life. I was able to step out of my comfort zone and experience what Kenya and life truly has to offer.
The Maasai people welcoming us with a dance at the Maasai Mara. They had the most beautiful hand crafted jewelry available for purchase.
Fruit stand everywhere at really good prices! I went during mango season and damn am I glad I did.
Matatus, these colorful pimped out buses are the most common form of transportation.
Picky pickys (street bikes) are another common form of transportation in Kenya used for shorter distances. I’ve never felt so free riding one, my hair flailing in the wind.
It was about a 6 hour drive from Nairobi to pose with this wooden sign. Worth it? ehh…
At Nyahururu Thompson Falls, at the equator. The waterfall is stunning and is a nice place to visit if you are wanting a picture by the equator sign. It semi makes the drive worth it.
* Be sure to wear lots of bug off.
Naivasha’s Hells Gate, Hippo Lake and camping at Fisherman’s Camp
Our cute two-man tents that Fishermans Camp set up for us.
Hippo Lake was a calm and relaxing ride not paying attention to the fact that the hippo is the most dangerous animal in the world. They can snap your body into 3 pieces with one bite.
View point looking out to Pride Rock
Riding bikes passing the “locals” at Hells Gate
Sitting on top of Pride Rock
Our guide Joseph was the best!
The weekend at Hells Gate took me out of my comfort zone COMPLETELY. First off, if you know me well, I do NOT camp. I have never camped in a teepee style tent in mah life, and I weirdly enjoyed it. I think waking up and seeing the serene Hippo Lake across the way and being surrounded by such a great group of friends made it easy. We biked Hells Gate crossings paths with zebras, giraffes, buffalos and warthogs and it was unbelievable. Like seriously where else can you do this? We were determined to see Pride Rock (yes the Lion King’s Pride Rock!) which we were told was at Hells Gate so we got a guide, reluctantly but wow were we so glad we did.
This hike was like no other hike I have been on. I mean c’mon I’m used to Runyon Canyon. This hike was like a real life Indiana Jones adventure. If you choose this adventure please wear proper shoes and not flip flops like me. I honestly thought I wasn’t going to survive the 2 hour trail. We were there at the hottest part of the day, biked 15 miles, hiked 2 hours dodging quick sand and the boiling hot springs. We had to go across slippery rocks spiderman style but it was all worth it sitting on top of Pride Rock looking at the beautiful gorges. After that weekend I felt like I can do anything.
Our guide Joseph was amazing and I kid you not saved my life. If you want to do this hike to pride rock you can bike to the information center at Hells Gate (not to be confused with the ticketing office) and you can bargain for a price for someone to guide you. There is no way you can do this on your own.
Fort Jesus
Spice MarketTuk Tuks are a common form of transportation around Mombasa
Shimba Hills National Reserve
Camel Ride at Diani Beach
Diani beach was my last leg of my entire trip in Kenya. It offered different views from Nairobi being heavily influenced by the Portuguese and Arabs. The beaches were beautiful and quite empty. I stayed at South Coast Backpackers Diani. It was really cool there because you get to meet so many different people from all over, even the staff were like friends simply hanging out at the pool and bar.
Flights are pretty cheap from Nairobi to Mombasa through Jambo Jet. Once landing in Mombasa you would have to take a ferry and taxi to Diani beach to reach the white sand beaches and turquoise waters. Or they have flights through Jambo Jet directly to Ukunda for a little more. You can also take an overnight bus from Nairobi to Diani. Bus tickets are around 15 dollars for VIP and it is a 9 hour bus ride so you may want the extra leg room.
Kenya is so beautiful and there is so much to see and do. LOTS of Only in Africa experiences. If you missed my video from my last post here you go.
In my Out of Africa post you will find a shorthand guide and photos
of the MUST-DO safari.
I would also recommend Lonely Planet’s Kenya which came in handy.